100 Days

As a kid I would hog the Karaoke mic at parties and obsessively sing the same song over and over for hours.  I would wander the yard distorting classic rock hits into nonsensical Franglish because my mom got tired of hearing me sing the same things over and over in the house.  One of my earliest memories as a five year old on the soccer field is getting sucked into making flower crowns and singing pop songs while we did cartwheels by the goal posts.

Around age 10 some medical conditions took center stage, making my shyness a dominant personality trait.  Today, despite several degrees and years of teaching performance, i still avoid the very state of vulnerability that inspired me to pursue a career in the arts in the first place.  So i am presenting myself with a challenge.

For 100 days, however and whenever, i am going to record until I drop. Each one will be a short video of myself playing a song.  Covers, originals, written or learned in the moment, rehearsed — all of it.  Regardless of how objectively well it’s been refined in that single day, i will then post it.  I am hoping to overcome a long-standing collection of personal phobias, as well as develop a deeper sense of accomplishment by focusing on big picture matters, like building confidence and striving for excellence & consistency (consistently).

I am most excited that this project will give me the opportunity to explore and find all kinds of music that I might not have otherwise been inspired to look for, write or sing.  Recommendations are happily welcomed, i love hearing from friends and clients who have found something new to share!

So it begins…

Black Phantom Records